Refugee Roundups

Dear Friends,

Yesterday a number of people- refugees and asylum seekers were picked up and put back into detention.

Because of the cone of silence surrounding all things DIBP (Dept Of Immigration and Border Protection) we do not have a precise explanation as to who is at risk of re-detention > or what exactly could bring down this extreme penalty.… Go to Article

Refugees shot trying to leave


Two Palestinian refugees killed in emigration attempt from Egypt

Two Syrian-Palestinian refugees killed attempting illegal passage from Alexandria to Europe

Zeinab El Gundy, Wednesday 18 Sep 2013

Two Palestinian refugees, formerly detained at El-Gomrok police station in Alexandria (Photo: refugeesmovement Facebook page)

Egyptian security forces on Tuesday foiled an attempt by Syrian and Palestinian refugees to emigrate from Alexandria to Italy by sea, killing two of the refugees.… Go to Article

Not in my name

Hundreds protest Kevin Rudd’s new policies on asylum seekers

Submitted by news 4ZZZ on Mon, Jul 22, 2013 – 11:30am
Over 100 people rallied at King George Square yesterday to protest Kevin Rudd’s new offshore processing and resettlement policy, vowing to continue the action every week until the plan is revoked.
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Rudd: “Be afraid, be very afraid”

[Editor’s Note: Last night (28 June 2013) Rudd said Abbott’s policy of turning back the boats  could lead to armed conflict with Indonesia …  this morning voters are very worried about an incoming Indonesian missile in the seat of Griffith in Brisbane … The Australian has reported Kevin Rudd is out sand bagging bomb shelters in Balmoral today before his flight to Jakarta next week to prevent Konfrontasi … (NB: Balmoral is a suburb in the heart of Rudd’s electorate of Griffith)

WBT asks: This kind of rhetoric may help Rudd win the election but how does it help refugees in Indonesia?]… Go to Article

Refugee Rights Convergence 2013

As part of the Refugee Rights Convergence 2013

Protest for Refugee Rights outside Brisbane’s Detention Centre

Children, women and men are languishing in detention behind lock and key in detention centres in Australia, Nauru and Manus Island, including right here in Brisbane; and also on bridging visas in the community without enough to live on or the right to work.This… Go to Article