Refugees: Report on human rights in Iran

Relationship between political events and the death penalty trends in Iran – Iran Human Rights demonstrating the brutal link between Executions in Iran and elections. HRW estimate 82 executions of Iranian people since the new President Rouhani was elected. He takes office in a week.

Iran Human Rights, July 11:
After a short break while leading up to the June 14 presidential election, a new wave of executions began on June 20 in Iran. According to official media sources, 38 people have been executed in the last three weeks. Additionally, at least 44 executions have been reported by human rights groups in the same period, however these executions were not announced by Iranian authorities or the media. According to the official and unofficial reports, at least 82 prisoners have been executed in different Iranian cities during the three weeks that followed the June 14 election

Iran executes more people per head of population than China- a chilling statistic.

Executions are held in public car parks at 6.30am.

The Iranian government has designed a sort of super size hills Hoist clothes line affair on which several people can be hanged simultaneously.

Foreign Minister Carr needs to understand the terror such repression and violence instil in the population.

Over the past weeks I have met many highly qualified Iranians whose comfortable, economically rich lives could not offer them safety from persecution, torture and death and who are now living in Australia in abject poverty in the worst houses on Bridging Visas which deny them the right to work. But here as they say- we are alive and free.

Pamela Curr
Campaign Coordinator
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
12 Batman st West Melbourne 3003
ph 03 9326 6066 / 0417517075

“AUSTRALIA. Built by boatpeople.”


Refugee Action Collective: organising meeting

When: Wednesday 17th July, 6.30pm

Where: 2nd floor, TLC Building, 16 Peel St, South Brisbane.

Getting there: Parking on site. Close to Cultural Centre bus station, South Brisbane railway station & South Bank City Cat.

Join the campaign for refugee rights. We have been campaigning against the cruel policies of the Labor government, and if the Liberals win with even worse policies, we will continue. But we need help.

All refugee supporters are welcome at RAC organising meetings, whatever your experience, or political persuation.

Further info: Paul, ph.3392 3843

RAC website: .

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