The 1992 Left Directory

Click image to read 'The 1992 Left Directory'
Click image to read ‘The 1992 Left Directory’

On May Day 1992 LeftPress Printing Society produced a booklet called ‘The 1992 Left Directory”. It was edited by Lachlan Hurse. It contains a directory of Left and Workers Groups in Brisbane at the time. Two articles still relevant today appeared in the 1992 directory:

East Timor Burning and
Latin America: 500 years of Indigenous,
Popular and Black Resistance

There was also a Calendar of Workers and Left Struggles.

Workers BushTelegraph is proud to present this small contribution to the struggle in digital form. To read the pamphlet click image of the cover to read ‘The 1992 Left Directory’ or click the hyperlink – The 1992 Left Directory.

The original foreword is included below.

Ian Curr

Welcome to the 1992 Left Directory. This is the second year of production with quite a few new entries. We also have articles on two major issues for activists in Australia.

The first is on the pressing issue of East Timor, the second on the 500 year anniversary of European contact with the Americas and its significance for Australia. Leftpress has committed itself to the production of the Left Directory to be released on May Day each year. The primary aim is to provide a directory of worker and progressive groups in order to improve co-ordination between them. We also aim to include feature articles on topical issues. Unfortunately our invitation to contribute this year was not taken up by other groups. The two articles included are from Leftpress.

Some people have asked who is eligible to be included in the Left Directory. Our basic criterion is that groups must not espouse aims that contradict socialist principles. Most organisations should be able to deduce how that applies to them.

Leftpress also invites participation in the production of the Left Directory, from people who are interested in any aspect of printing and publication.

We can be contacted by correspondence addressed to:

PO Box 5093
West End Q 4101.

Lachlan Hurse

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