Israel’s detention, torture and massacre of Palestinians

Sadly , Israel’s unlawful detention and torture of Palestinians has been going on for as long as I can remember.

Over the years, WBT has recorded the complicity of Australian governments that have ignored written complaints and petitions taken up by Australian friends and families of these prisoners. Letters were fobbed off by DFAT, petitions ignored by parliamentarians and ministers.

Here is a recent article sent in by a reader who had this to say: “Note that over 9,000 Palestinians have been detained  in the West Bank. Since October 7 they have overwhelmingly been mistreated and  tortured. I noticed from the pictures and accounts of the four released hostages (Israelis) that they were in good health both physically and mentally. A stark contrast in how Hamas treated its Palestinian prisoners.”


Here is the Electronic Intifada on the latest action of hostage release.  Note that three (Israeli) hostages were apparently killed. How I don’t know, but there is no mention in Israel of that.  Palestinians massacred in “rescue” operation lauded by US in electronic intifada.

It is most likely that the Israeli ‘hostages’ were killed by friendly fire from the IDF. Such is the lack of respect for human rights by the Israeli military.

Ian Curr, 11 June 2024.

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