The Cuban connection in the ‘Brissie to Bay’ ride 2024

This is our third Brissie to the Bay ride that takes in amazing vistas of Moreton Bay from Wynnum to Redland Bay. Today Lachlan and I rode to end the blockade of Cuba and to raise money for an agricultural project in urban areas near the Bay of Pigs. We were encouraged along the route by supporters including my brother and his wife at Manly. For those interested in the campaign, go to From Australia to Cuba with Love

Route of ‘Brissie to Bay’ 2024 – the event race is approximately $1 million each year for MS sufferers

The Bay of Pigs in the south of the island is famous for being the site of the CIA led invasion of Cuba authorised by President Kennedy to overthrow the Cuban revolution in 1961. The Cuban people rejected this attempt to interfere in their revolution that deposed the Batista dictatorship.

Over 60 years later the US administration still has not forgiven the Cuban people for rejecting US imperialism. A physical and financial blockade is imposed by the current administration led by President Biden.


On more prosaic matters, I rode my recumbent and lachlan rode his Cannondale over the 130 kilometre course. It was a particularly hard ride for me because my battery ran out at the 120 kms mark. Plus I had another six kilometers to ride home. My legs are sore but I feel as though I have achieved something today.


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