From Australia to Cuba with Love 2024

First week wrap

From Australia to Cuba with Love 2024

June 1st to July 26th 

Register here

We have had a great start to our campaign.

Collectively we completed 2068 kms in the first seven days, surpassing our weekly target by more than 200 kms.  There are currently 52 participants, who have already raised $3,125 towards the Agro Vivo food sustainability project. If you haven’t recently been to your profile page on the campaign website, you can login and thank your sponsors and let them know how the campaign is going.

A big welcome to our new participants. Several people signed up during the week, including more riders and runners from Cuba, and other walkers and cyclists who are participating from Italy and France. You might like to click on some of the participant profiles to see why they are joining the campaign. Here is Iván’s. You can find the list of participants under the heading Sponsor someone.

In the first year of our campaign we had 65 participants; we hope to exceed that number this year and include even more people to help complete our target distance, raise funds for our food sustainability project and let the Cuban people know we stand in solidarity with them to end the US blockade that impacts so many aspects of their daily life.  

Remember that you can do any activity that you are able to measure, it all adds to the distance we are covering between our Australia and Cuba. Group walks with friends and supporters are also good. You might like to check with your state Australia-Cuba Friendship Society branch to see when their next one is planned. See the email addresses at the end.

Questions we have been asked: Does walking my dog count? YES and send us some photos!

Please have a look at our blog to see what’s been happening for some of our participants. We look forward to receiving some of yours.

Your participation is helping raise awareness and solidarity with the people of Cuba. You can add photos or short stories to your Dashboard when you login to share with others in the campaign. We look forward to hearing from you!

Finally, while this campaign is focussed on supporting the people of Cuba, we’d like to share with you a short video about some of the work that Cuba is famous for. You may already know that Cuba outperforms most countries in their capacity for international solidarity.

Cuban doctors training Palestinians

Kind regards

For more information

Sue Monk (ACFS-Brisbane)

Website: From Australia to Cuba with Love 2024 (

*Please check your state branch for local activities –









Vic/NSW Border branch:

Join the campaign to end the US blockade of Cuba and raise funds for the Agro Vivo agricultural project!

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