The long march for Palestine

Nine months, twenty rallies, fifty thousand lives … this must end

A rally of 500 people came out in Brisbane Magan-djin on 15 June 2024 as part of the global solidarity movement for Palestine. Palestinian resistance since 7 October 2024 has given activists worldwide time to build international solidarity. The student encampments in the United States have attracted attention worldwide but they are not yet a mass movement. How much longer must the genocide continue? Some say it will take a year. Israel looks hell bent on extending the war into Lebanon.

Our first rally in response to Israel’s war on Gaza was in October 2023. There has been at least one mass rally every fortnight in Brisbane, since that date. Below is a slideshow showing how Justice for Palestine Magandjin built solidarity with a people from a small strip of land so far away.

Here is the text of a speech given by Rolo Allemand, one of many expressing international solidarity at the rally.

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