Australia to Cuba with Love- week 2

Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane)

From Australia to Cuba with Love 2024

June 1st to July 26th 

Register here

Week 2 wrap

Dear Ian

We are two weeks into the campaign and registrations numbers are building.

We are so happy to have you on board. A big welcome to you all!

There are now have 50 individuals and 10 teams registered for the 8 week challenge. We have completed 4,095 kms and we have raised $3,675 towards the “Mi Casa Agro Vivo” food sustainability project. It has been a strong start!

A new Facebook group has also been created, so please add your photos, stories and comments. We look forward to seeing what everyone is doing. This week we’ve been sent some snaps from people working with the Mi Casa Agro Vivo project, the focus of our fundraising for this campaign. Click here to read more.

Activities coming up

For those of you in or near Canberra, there is a group walk planned for THIS SUNDAY along the Murramarang Coastal Walk north of Bateman’s Bay. Bring friends and family, and enjoy a beautiful walk while helping build the campaign. Ring Rob on 0402523440 for meeting place and time.

In Brisbane next weekend, the Cuban ambassador and consul will be giving advice and assisting with visas for anyone thinking of visiting Cuba this year. The Ambassador Tanieris Diéguez will also be our guest speaker at a PUBLIC FORUM on Saturday afternoon, 22nd June. Brisbane participants, we’ll be sending you more details shortly.

Our campaign challenge is to complete the distance between our two countries, raise funds and along the way build awareness and a better understanding about the challenges faced by everyday Cubans because of the US government’s imposed economic blockade. There are several riders and walkers who are notching up the kms, but there are others who are finding ‘novel’ activities to measure that will add to our collective target of 14,886 kms, the distance between Australia and Cuba. It is not a competition, but rather a collective effort to help us reach our goal!

Kind regards

Sue Monk (ACFS-Brisbane)

For more information

Website: From Australia to Cuba with Love 2024 (

*Please check your state branch for local activities –









Vic/NSW Border branch:

Join the campaign to end the US blockade of Cuba and raise funds for the Agro Vivo agricultural project!

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