Save the Mary River

Dear friends and supporters of the Mary River,

Just a reminder to all those who have shown interest in the Mary River campaign that the first Brisbane info night is coming up

THIS WEEK on Thursday 6.30pm at the Worker’s Community Centre at Paddington.

Please come along and bring your friends to find out why the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam is a terrible idea for both the Mary Valley _and_ Brisbane.
Leaflet is attached.


*Brisbane Workers Community Centre*

2 LaTrobe Tce, Paddington (enter
from Given Tce)

*Thursday December 6*.

Meet at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Contact me on 54829831 or Mob 0439 130 537

or to the e-mail address:

Zela Bissett [],




3 thoughts on “Save the Mary River

  1. Margaret Murray says:

    Congratulations to all the hard workers of Save The Mary, this result is a fitting tribute to you all. We are just as pleased with the result as you all are….WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!

    1. Let Traditional Owners Purchase Traveston Crossing Catchment says:

      12 November 2009

      Statement by Les Malezer, Chairperson of the Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA)

      Let Traditional Owners Purchase Traveston Crossing Catchment

      FAIRA calls for the land held by the Queensland Government for the Mary River water catchment to be defined as a nature reserve and returned to the traditional Gubbi Gubbi owners of the territory for their future social, cultural and economic development.

      In a submission previously to the Government, FAIRA has pointed out that the proposed major development of the dam would severely impact upon the rights of the Aboriginal traditional owners.

      To date, the Queensland Government has not returned any land to the traditional owners of southeast Queensland, maintaining 150 years of mean-spirited tradition and colonialism.

      The controversy over the building of the dam has highlighted widespread concern for the protection of the region and the preservation of many unique and important species of flora and fauna in the region.

      This was clearly stated by the Federal Minister for the Environment in his decision to safeguard the natural heritage of the region.

      However, the protection and support for the 60,000 year old civilization of the region is just as important, if not more important than temporal concern over animal species.

      For the Queensland Government, and the people of Queensland who will want to be involved in such a decision, returning ownership and control of the territory does not conflict with the management and care of the natural environment.

      In fact, the traditional owners are able to significantly contribute to the environmental management in accordance with the standards and expectations by Australians.

      In turn the ‘caring for country’ approach will provide significant social and economic benefits for the Gubbi Gubbi people and the neighbouring Butchulla people.

      There is the potential for the creation of 500 or more jobs in the region associated with the environmental management and eco-tourism industries.

      In addition much of the social problems experienced by Aboriginal people in major urban centres of southeast Queensland, such as imprisonment and other custody and care impositions, can be better addressed through land and nature programs of the traditional owners of the Mary River district.

      FAIRA calls upon the Premier of Queensland to commission a study on the social, economic and cultural values of returning the land held by the Government to the traditional owners, with the purpose of reaching a viable arrangement.

      Previously, before the Government purchased the land in the Mary River catchment, the potential to return land to the traditional owners was severely limited by private interests of landholders.

      This problem no longer exists.

      The return of the land to the traditional owners is a positive and reasonable way to comply with human rights standards seeking restitution to the traditional owners for territory taken without their consent.

      Considering the economic outlay of the government, i.e the $500 million spent to acquire the lands, it is feasible for the traditional owners can repay this amount of money to the coffers of the Queensland Government over a period of time through a repayment contract, encompassing the economic development of the region linked to environmental and eco-tourism developments.

      Of course, any arrangements for payments to the Queensland Government would be a matter for the traditional owners to negotiate with the Government and conclude in a constructive agreement or ‘treaty’.

      This solution should be welcomed by all Queenslanders for the positive and reasonable outcomes, along with the settlement of some major historical injustices.

      FAIRA invites the people of Queensland and the Government of Queensland to form an agreement on the future of the Mary River valley with its traditional owners.


      Contact: Les Malezer
      Pam Jones m. 0419 648 154

  2. Win Phone poll says:

    From today (Tues 28th April), until possibly Thursday WIN News are conducting a phone poll

    “Do you think the Traveston Crossing dam should go ahead?”

    The phone no. is 1900 966 522
    Press 1 to vote Yes, 2 to vote No.

    This could be useful in communicating to the WIN media network that Traveston is still definitely an issue.

    Go on – make a phonecall……..
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