Boeing – merchants of death

For a number of months a group of us has held a weekly vigil outside Boeing in Brisbane city to highlight their complicity in the genocide in Palestine. (Attached is the leaflet we have been distributing explaining why we are there).

Last week acclaimed filmmaker David Bradbury was there to record our vigil and put together this short film clip.

Jim Dowling
11 June 2024

Video by David Bradbury

                     BOEING – MERCHANTS OF DEATH

Fragment from a bomb found in the Gaza rubble was imprinted with a Boeing serial number and a 2018 manufacture date. | Photo: Amnesty International

The above photo released by Amnesty International identifies a Boeing bomb dropped on civilians in Gaza on Oct 10. A similar identifying fragment was found from a bomb dropped on Oct 13. Amnesty reports that these two bombs alone killed 43 civilians including 19 children.

Of course, this is just in the first week of the Israeli slaughter in Gaza. Since then, over 35,000 people have died from Israeli bombs and bullets. No doubt thousands have been killed with Boeing bombs in the last 9 months.

This is how Boeing makes its billions. By mass murder.

Boeing is also a major contributor to the manufacture of nuclear weapons which may one day kill us all. They produce the nuclear armed ICBM’s for the US nuclear arsenal, as well as the warhead arming device for their Air launched Nuclear Cruise Missiles.

Companies like Boeing have no place in Brisbane – or anywhere for that matter.

Let Boeing know what you think. Contact them at:

Boeing GPO Box 767, Bris. 4001      or phone   0733063000

Boeing have no place in Brisbane – or anywhere for that matter.


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