Rally for Palestine

62 years since Al Nakba. 62 years of occupation.

Friday May 14, 5pm
Brisbane Square
Top of Queen St Mall (outside Casino)
March to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Freedom for Palestine! End the occupation!
Stop the settlements! End the siege! Tear down the wall!
Cut all Australian ties with apartheid Israel!
Equal rights for all in historic Palestine!
For the right of return for Palestinian refugees!

The 15th of May 2010 marks 62 years of the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe). In 1948, more than 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homeland by Zionist forces, with more than 500 Palestinian villages depopulated and destroyed. Today more than 7 million Palestinian refugees, the largest refugee community in the world, are living in exile from their homeland, dispersed around the world. To commemorate Al Nakba, Justice for Palestine is organising a rally and march. Join the rally to demand the Australian government cut ties with apartheid Israel. Let the Palestinian people know that even as far away as Australia people are prepared to stand in solidarity and demand a free Palestine!
Click here to join the Facebook event – please invite your friends

Phone: 0400 720 757
Email: contact@justiceforpalestinebrisbane.org

[Attachment(s) from Kathy Newnam included below]


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