When Joh went to Uni

In 1980 or 1981, Bjelke-Petersen went to University of Queensland guarded by Qld Special Branch. Joh’s visit was controversial as the questions from the news media suggest.… Go to Article

G20 Peoples Summit: call for presenters/invitation

Brisbane Community Action Network – G20

Visioning another world
Brisbane G20 Peoples Convergence
Nov 8-16, 2014

Global Call to action
Dear Friends,
The G20 Leaders Summit will bring the leaders of the worlds’ 20 largest economies to Brisbane in November this year.… Go to Article

No Peace without Justice

We will not “return to a living death” of siege and blockade, 
say Gaza civil society leaders.
[Editor’s Note: Readers can see from the signatures below that No Peace without Justice  is a sentiment shared by Palestinian community both inside and outside Gaza – people who are losing loved ones, people who have lost so much and who will not give up.
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Wretched of the Earth

Europeans, you must open this book and enter into it. 
After a few steps in the darkness you will see strangers 
gathered around a fire; come close, and listen, 
for they are talking of the destiny they will mete out 
to your trading-centres and to the hired soldiers 
who defend them.
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Dawn to Dusk – reminisences of a rebel: childhood and youth

Dawn To Dusk, E. H. Lane 1939

Childhood and Youth

Chapter I. Early Influences

It is a far cry from the old worn-out beliefs of the conservativism and reactionary political policies of 50 years ago, to the virile working class movement that is to-day insistently smashing down the gates of capitalist imperialism and exploitation.… Go to Article

Dawn to Dusk – reminiscences of a rebel

The wiles of Labour politicians – the futility of fearful and reactionary Labour leaders have been revealed in this record, and the lessons I and others so bitterly learned should preclude any further waste of time and enthusiasm in vainly endeavouring to make figs blossom and fruit on barren trees.

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National Statement – 26 May 2014: Aboriginal Control of Aboriginal Welfare

National Statement – 26 May 2014

Say NO to Continuing Stolen Generations | Aboriginal Control of Aboriginal Welfare

Returning children must be the priority | No forced adoptions | Support and services to prevent removals

We, as Aboriginal Grandparents and parents, have called protests across the country on May 26 demanding the return of our children who have been forcibly removed by child welfare agencies.… Go to Article

Thatcherism in Queensland Housing

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

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National Action Group formed to combat child removals

+++ Stop Press ++++++ Stop Press ++++++ Stop Press ++++++ Stop Press +++

Today, Thursday 8 May 2014, people who have experience of continuing stolen generations from Perth, Brisbane, Gunnedah, Alice Springs, Sydney, South Coast, Melbourne and Bundaberg formed a National Action Group to fight aboriginal child removals from their guardians by DOCS in each state.Go to Article