When Joh went to Uni

In 1980 or 1981, Bjelke-Petersen went to University of Queensland guarded by Qld Special Branch. Joh’s visit was controversial as the questions from the news media suggest.… Go to Article

Antonio Gramsci: Marxist ideas for difficult times

Sound recording of ‘Antonio Gramsci – marxist ideas for difficult times’ Antonio Gramsci: Marxist ideas for difficult times.

Antonio Gramsci: Marxist ideas for difficult times

Meeting with Martin Thomas, editor of the book “Antonio Gramsci: working-class revolutionary”

2.30pm, Saturday 23 March, at the State Library of Queensland, Stanley Place, L4: Meeting Room 4.AGo to Article

Public forum: Reorganising Cuba

The Australia Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane)

invites you to a forum

‘Reorganising Cuba’

Ezequiel Morales,

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People (ICAP)Cuba is embarking upon a massive reorganisation of its economy, following the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party, held earlier this month, with a drive to improve economic performance.… Go to Article

17 Group discussion in May 2011

Race politics and reading practices: two as pects of the New Australia experiment.

Wide eyed romantics and a heartbreak dream
Your motives aren’t what they seem
You’ve got your feet caked in Australian mud
And you can’t deny what’s in your blood
Under Paraguay skies and the nights so cold
You can forsake your country and lose your soul
— ‘Virgin Ground’ by Red Gum

The May meeting of the 17 Group will be on Wednesday the 4th of May at 7pm in unit 6 at 20 Drury St, West End.… Go to Article

May Day 2011

See below for the story about the Haymarket Martyrs and a certain Chinese Chicken dish by Lachlan Hurse. Featured photo in the masthead depicts the Workers Self Management Group at 1971 May Day march (Fortitude Valley Brisbane) Photo: Graham Garner

The Brisbane May Day Celebration Committee
invites you to the

May Day May Day May Day May Day May Day May Day May Day May Day May Day

International Workers’ Day Concert

Primer de Mayo Primer de Mayo Primer de Mayo Primer de Mayo Primer de Mayo

SUNDAY, 1st MAY, 6 p.m.
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Ernie Lane: The making of a Queensland Rebel


12:30pm, slq Auditorium 2, level 2, 16 February 2011

free, no bookings required

Ernie Lane: The Making of

a Queensland Rebel

see page page 4 of the State library of Qld summer magazine

Historian, author and University of Queensland librarian Dr Jeff Rickertt is the 2010 winner of the prestigious $20,000 State Library of Queensland John Oxley Fellowship.… Go to Article