Public forum: Reorganising Cuba

The Australia Cuba Friendship Society (Brisbane)

invites you to a forum

‘Reorganising Cuba’

Ezequiel Morales,

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People (ICAP)Cuba is embarking upon a massive reorganisation of its economy, following the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party, held earlier this month, with a drive to improve economic performance. What challenges does this present a country committed to socialism?

Tuesday May 10, 2011 6.30 p.m.
Level 2, QCU
16 Peel Street South Brisbane
Entry by donation / Bring a plate

Also at the University of Qld
Tuesday 10 May, 2011
12 noon – 1.30 p.m.
Room 358 Physiology Lecture Theatres (Bld 63)

Come and hear Ezequiel Morales, a representative from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People, speak about this significant moment in Cuba’s history.

Ezequiel was born to a peasant family and was eight years old when the Revolution triumphed. As a youth he participated in the Literacy Campaign carried out in Cuba in 1961 and later became a teacher. Ezequiel was the General Secretary of various branches of the Union of Educators until 1996 when he began to work at his current position with the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

There will be ample time for


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