Bad News Friday: between-the-devil-and-the-deep-blue-sea

[Editors Note: The exasperation in this note penned late in January 2013 could apply to any week during the term of this government. When the LNP gets into power in September 2013,  indications are that it will be the same or worse. What is the solution? Is this – see ?]

Another week rolls by with hundreds of refugees left in detention – not asylum seekers but refugees. These are men who have positive refugee
and positive security decisions who are sitting in detention for up to three years.

Some are termed POI (Persons of interest) but they have no official notification. The C’wealth Department public prosecutions may be looking
at a case of a broken window or some small infringement while in detention and so they sit in detention while this takes place. Some people have waited two years with no information while Immigration, the AFP and CDDP all point to each other when you try to get answers.

Some are just waiting – no charges – no problem but the Minister refuses to sign their release for no known reason.

This was the first week that the minister returned to work. Expectations were high but dashed. NO one was released from Melbourne.

Such is justice for asylum seekers and refugees- arbitrary indefinite detention with power vested in one position.

Pamela Curr
Campaign Coordinator
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
12 Batman st West Melbourne 3003
ph 03 9326 6066 / 0417517075

"AUSTRALIA. Built by boatpeople."

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