Film screening and social: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Saturday, March 23, 2013 2:00pm in Freedom House, 69 Thomas St, West End.

The film is about the situation of asylum seekers in Indonesia.

Once you see this film you won’t wonder why asylum seekers get on boats, and you will know why Tony Abbott can never stop the boats unless he machine-guns people, and also why the Labor government’s deterrence policies are so foolish. There will be a refugee who is a friend of the campaign present, who will tell us of his experiences as an asylum seeker in Indonesia.

There will be a shared afternoon tea.

Can everybody who is able, bring along a plate of food to share? We will also have a discussion about the Refugee Rights Convergence in Western Australia on the Anzac weekend.

For those who support the convergence but can’t go, we will ask for donations to pay the fares of others who want to go. No pressure here, but if you can give, please do.

Organised by: Refugee Action Collective Qld. Contact Paul,,



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