Tour de Carmichael

This message is from Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owner Coedie, son of Adrian Burragubba.

Waddamuli, ngadyu narri Coedie, ngadyu yabu Adrian Burragubba, ngaya wadda wirdi, ngaya Wanggan Yagalinggu mundu.

Hello, my name is Coedie (Coodz Mac). My father is Adrian Burragubba, I speak Wirdi and I am from Wangan and Jagalingou.

Ngali dabu wurba-gu banna ngali yamba nani.

We want everyone to come to our homelands.

Ngali wanggarrayn gundarra-gu yarrbayn gamu 

We all together fight for the sacred water – the Doongmabulla Springs.

Sign up to register your interest in joining me on the Tour De Carmichael – Cycle for Country, and learn more at a special webinar on Wednesday 31st March

For eight years we have said NO to Adani’s destructive coal mine. The Queensland Government stole Wangan and Jagalingou land, extinguished native title and handed it over to mining giant Adani to dig their dirty coal mine. Our land was stolen. 

We as Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners of the Galilee basin are continuing to fight. 

In August 2020 we built a sacred fire on the road near our ceremonial ground, 5km from Adani’s camp. On the 5th day of our ceremony, we were removed by up to 50 police officers. The Spirit fire ceremony was planned to have a large turnout but due to Covid-19 restrictions, we were limited to 30 people. 

This year as restrictions have eased, I am hosting a 5-day guided cycle and cultural tour event named Tour De Carmichael – Cycle for Country. Everyone from around Australia is invited and welcome to join me on Wangan and Jagalingou Country to expose the damage Adani is doing to our Country and demonstrate our ongoing resistance to Adani’s mega coal mine.

Tour De Carmichael – Cycle for Country: May 3-7 on Wangan and Jagalingou land

What: A 5-day,  105km guided cycle tour led by Traditional Owner Coedie, son of Adrian Burragubba, to learn about Wangan and Jagalingou culture and see what’s at risk from Adani’s destructive mega coal mine. The tour is family friendly, COVID safe and a legal event.We will have support vehicles driving behind that can carry water, food and camping gear.

When: Monday 3rd May – Friday 7th May. You will need to arrive by midday Sunday 2nd May to prepare for departure as a group on the Monday morning. 

Where: Wangan and Jagalingou country in central Queensland. The Tour will be 105km in total. It will take place along an 85km public road from the Gregory Highway to the entrance of Adani’s construction site, via a Wangan and Jagalingou ceremonial ground. And, pending permission, will have a 20km extension to Doongmabulla Springs. Participants are asked to arrive at Camp Binbee (approx. 75km inland from Bowen, Queensland) where transport to and from the tour trail will be arranged. 

Even if you can’t make the tour itself, I encourage you to sign up for updates and attend the webinar so you can learn how you can help support the event from home. 

Since Adani has started construction on the mine site, multiple environmental breaches have occurred. Our sacred Doongmabulla Springs and the Carmichael river are in danger of environmental damage if this mine continues. 

Along the journey we will be stopping in designated areas for a guided cultural tour, talking about the significance of our Totems, Twin Hills, the Belyando, the Carmichael river and the importance of our sacred Doongmabulla Springs. 

I hope to see you on my homelands as we stand together to protect the sacred water.

Coedie, Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owner

P.S Don’t forget to sign up for updates and the webinar next Wednesday to learn how you can join the tour or help from home. 

P.P. Like the Tour De Carmichael Facebook page and Click “GOING” on the event to receive updates

Frontline Action on Coal

Frontline Action on Coal acknowledges elders, past present and future. We respect the communication protocols and the important role of Elders in culture and heritage protection advice. We recognise and respect cultural heritage, beliefs, customs and the continuing relationship and responsibility to traditional land and water and day and night sky. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the people living today and future generations, and stand in solidarity with First Nations people in their continuing struggle for justice.