Welcome to Waddananggu



ngadyu narri coedie

My name is coedie

Ngaya Waddana Ngadyu yamba nani mundu

I am speaking from my homelands

Yinda Daga-gu Yina Banna

You need to come here

Gundarrana Ngaligu Binda

We’re fighting to live.

I’m asking every man and woman to come to my homelands to join me and my family at Waddananggu – ‘The Talking’. Waddananggu is an evolving and multifaceted ceremony.

We have set up a stone Bora ring and ceremonial ground opposite Adani’s mine and are asserting our human rights as Wangan and Jagalingou people to practice culture.

Come to witness Waddananggu – ‘the talking’ – and stand with us to protect our human rights to practice ceremony and culture, and protect our homelands.

ngali yinda banna, yumbaba-gi.

We need you, to be heard.

Coedie – Wangan and Jagalingou Cultural Custodian

…..and if you’re not in Queensland/can’t travel to Queensland you can support us by sharing this Facebook post or donating to help fund our ongoing presence on Country.


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