Slavery in Queensland

Joe (Kilroy)’s grandfather is in the middle in the first photo and then Joe and one of his brothers – Charlie – in the second photo.
Joe’s grandfather was forcibly removed from Ambrym Island to work as a slave in Qld cane fields – Blackbirding – Debbie Kilroy

ScoMo’s assertion that ‘there was no slavery in Australia’ (2 June 2020, 2GB radio) is plainly wrong.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, abduction, coercion, violence, extreme exploitation and wage theft were constant features of the labour relations imposed on Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander people in Queensland.

Why do politicians and conservative commentators continue to deny or downplay this history? Why does this history matter? How can we overturn the legacies of inequality and racism?

Saturday 27 March 2021
10:00am (for 10:30) to 3.00pm
AHEPA Hall, 126A Boundary Street, West End

Presented by the Brisbane Labour History Association and The Cloudland Collective

Join us for a day of talks and discussion about colonised labour in Queensland, the rich history of industrial, political
and legal resistance by First Nations workers, and the significance of this history today.
Free event! Gold coin donations welcomed.


• Uncle Bob Anderson
• Dr Jonathan Richards
• Dr Tamsin O’Connor
• Dr Valerie Cooms
• Aunty Mavis Lawnton
• Uncle John McCabe
• Aunty Lesley Williams
• Paul Richards
• Sam Waiburra