Raising the roof for Christmas

Hello friends,
The lovely people at West End Uniting Church  – a wonderful venue for our G20 peoples summit – are holding an ethical xmas market this Sunday and have invited us to have a stall – info and/or goods.
They have lost their roof in the storm but are persisting.   I think it would be wonderful to have a stall with our info/bags/tshirsts – even like a jumble stall to raise awareness about what we are doing and to donate some money for their roof… It starts at 3 and ends with carols.

I can commit to being there, helping out and coordinating… I am planning to go early to set up and help draw some chalk pattern/mandala/design outside for people to colour in/elaborate upon.. All help welcome!

info below!

0411 118 737

Raising the roof for Christmas
Rev Susan Pickering

On Sunday 7th December, the West End Uniting Church on the corner of Sussex and Vulture Streets, West End, will be opening the doors at 3pm for a bit of Christmas shopping.

Minister the Rev Suzie Pickering has organized fair trade stalls selling their wares, Amnesty International and Oxfam sharing information, and a small pre-loved stall to have a browse through.

At 6pm the doors will remain open for Christmas Carols, led by the Brisbane Symphonic Band.

“We will be hoping to raise the roof with Christmas cheer,” says Rev Pickering, “as we sing along to our favourite Christmas Carols.”

The event is free and open to all. Tea and coffee will be available throughout for a gold coin donation.

It’s a great opportunity to get together as a community to celebrate and sing.

Celebrating 129 years of service since the official opening on 15 November, 1885

Home Page


More info:
Minister: Rev Susan Pickering
Office Phone: 07 3844 3557
Church Mobile: 0438 141 242

3 thoughts on “Raising the roof for Christmas

  1. Community Space organising meeting says:

    Want to get involved in the Basement Community Space?

    What it IS
    A shared space that acts as a home and hub for grassroots organising, networking, education, creativity and media- making. It is ‘inclusive’ and provides sustenance for social movements with trainings, events, activities and space to chat/converse/share ideas.
    What it DOES
    Workshops and community education, activist training, sharing of resources, fundraisers for causes, music and performance, art activities
    It HAS
    tools for citizen media making (inc zines), meeting room, art materials, free shop, library, small café…

    Join us to discuss making this space a reality!

    Sunday December 14

    10:30 for cuppa – 11am for meeting (till 12:30ish)
    The Basement @ 5 Paris Street, West End
    (near the 199 bus stop cnr Vulture and Hardgrave – across from West End State School)
    Please bring something to share!

    Brisbane Community Action Network (BrisCAN) invites you to celebrate the end of the year/beginning of a new year with our…

    End of year BBQ

    Sunday December 21
    5pm – 8pm
    The Basement of 5 Paris Street – West End
    (near the 199 bus stop cnr Vulture and Hardgrave – across from West End State School)

    …After many achievements this year, the Brisbane Community Action Network would like to invite you to one final get-together for 2014… and to introduce you to the Paris Street Basement – our proposed community creative space.

    Come and celebrate community in true Queensland style with an evening BBQ, and perhaps a beer or two…

    BBQ by Gold Coin Donation (vegetarians catered for)
    Refreshments and other goodies will also be provided.

    Feel free to bring something to share – your instruments – a poem – game or activity.

    All welcome!

    More info: Robin 0411 118 737
    Ordinary citizens organising for social justice in response to the G20. Brisbane, Australia.

    List members are private, only list members can view posts or archives. Mind you, this may not stop them.

  2. p.s.

    At a time when the Greens are campaigning against gender stereotype christmas presents, linking them to violence against women and children, pay inequality, male aggression and female low self esteem, the WEUC is screening “The Princess Bride” at its upcoming family film night.

    Tell me again, why are these racist sexist people so lovely?

    (and fair trade is just an ego massage for affluent consumers – perfect for the WEUC.

    http://unlearningtheproblem.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/fair-trade-an-ego-massage-for-the-rich/ )

  3. My comment from the Westender article –

    “In 2010 the West End Uniting Church hosted a sacred ceremony with Aboriginal Christians where it committed to building partnerships with Aboriginal people and repent from the church’s colonial history. However within weeks of the ceremony the church decided it did not have the resources or energy to fulfill its commitments and un-committed itself. It re-affirmed its non-commitment in 2013.

    But now it has the enthusiasm to entertain middle class people and upgrade its real estate? Is this a movement of the holy spirit?

    Or can the difference between the church’s incapacity to engage with Aboriginal people and its enthusiasm to entertain upper middle class people be explained by racism in the church?

    Perhaps one day the grand roof of the West End Uniting Church will again vibrate in harmony with the Aboriginal ancestors buried beneath its floorboards, as it did in sacred ceremony in 2010 lead by Pastor Rod Minecon and his church’s band, or when Pastor Don Brady lead the singing of his Aboriginal congregation there in the 1960s. But for now it just rattles to the gongs of West End affluence and privilege.”

    My comment on the WEUC facebook page, after the storm –

    “Does anyone remember the 2010 sacred ceremony when the West End Uniting Church committed itself to partnerships with Aboriginal people? On the night, Rev Rod Minecon from the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Congress lead the service. He foretold that, as a result of the “big business” of the West End church’s commitment, rain would fall inside the church as a sign of the holy spirit.

    I guess this is how its turned out since the church reneged on its commitment.”

    My comment for Workers’ Bush Telegraph –

    If anyone is taking seriously the politics of Aboriginal sovereignty, they should not be supporting or promoting this racist institution and would do better challenging it to, at the bare minimum, honour its commitments to Aboriginal people made in sacred ceremony.

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