#Occupy Brisbane — Volunteers Wanted for Refugee Rights Stall


Volunteers wanted for refugee rights stall at Occupy Brisbane demonstration.

When: Between 12 midday and 3pm, Saturday 12th November.
Where: Brisbane Square, top of Queen St Mall.

If we get enough volunteers we can run the stall for the whole 3 hours. It’s a good way to help the campaign if you can’t come to meetings. Contact Paul, paul@rac-qld.org or 3392 3843. If you prefer just find the RAC stall on the day.

RAC supports the Occupy Brisbane movement. Callousness to human well-being, and a competitive ultra-individualist culture that celebrates selfishness, narcissism, racism and the acceptance of injustice as normal, are hallmarks of our corporation dominated society. These very features are the framework and context within which our viciously cruel refugee policies are created. Truly the refugee rights struggle has common cause with the “Occupy” movement.

More info: http://www.rac-qld.org . Text of the Occupy Brisbane leaflet below.


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