Democratic Rights under fire in Musgrave Park

Bail condition prohibiting participation in Cultural Ceremony, and in Social and Political activities in Musgrave Park .

Since May 2012 police have been using their move-on powers to interfere with and (on occasion) arrest people engaged in social, political and cultural business in Musgrave Park.… Go to Article

Remember Palestine: Al Nakba 2013

Friday May 17, 5:30pm
King George Square, Brisbane

May 15 marks the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) day. In 1948, more the 780,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homeland and more than 500 Palestinian villages depopulated and destroyed by Zionist terrorist death squads that were set up in Palestine under the protection of the British mandate.… Go to Article

Sacred fire burns in Musgrave Park!

A question arises from the ‘not guilty’ verdict handed down in Brisbane Magistrate Court today:

How does this verdict affect the question that Jagera land in the southern end of Musgrave Park should be used ‘for aboriginal purpose’ as specified on the title deed and the deed-of-grant-in-trust?Go to Article

The People’s Voice – Newman breaks pledge to keep royal children’s hospital


The government has kept the public in the dark about closure of the -Royal Children’s Hospital

• Brisbane North will be deprived of the readily accessible and comprehensive paediatric accident & emergency service currently provided by Royal Children’s.… Go to Article

‘OPERATION SATOUR’: The 1971 Springbok Tour of Queensland

‘OPERATION SATOUR’: The 1971 Springbok Tour of Queensland

Queensland Police Headquarters: Sunday 24 February 2013: 10.30 am to 12.30 pm

Inquiries to : Ms Lisa Jones (Police Museum Curator) on 3364 6425



(Participants’ biographical details overleaf)

Topic or comment


Mr David Fagan



Professor Mark Finnane

‘Australia, South Africa and apartheid’


Mr Terry O’Gorman

‘The Right to protest in 1971 and looking ahead to the G20 conference to be held in Brisbane 2014’


Professor Alan Knight

‘Queensland radicals and the Springbok protests


Questions from the floor to Professor Finnane, Mr O’Gorman or Professor Knight.

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The Australian Green Development Forum hosting Cuban Professor

The Australian Green Development Forum is hosting eminent Cuban Professor for their roadshow on April 1st.

Follow the hyperlink for more information and registration

Professor Fernando Martirena from Santa Clara University in Cuba will be our special guest for the 2013 AGDF Building Resilience Roadshow.… Go to Article

Bahrain: no hope for the Al Khalifa regime

Bahraini nurse calls on international support after police kill 16 yr old during crackdown on anniversary of democracy protests.

Hussain Al Jaziri, 16 years old, was killed by Bahraini security forces yesterday as the crackdown on pro-democracy protesters intensifies around the second anniversary of Bahrain’s ‘forgotten Arab Spring’.… Go to Article