Vulture Capitalism

I’ve just returned from Haiti and America where I’ve been filming my vulture capitalism documentary with New York film-maker Thor Neureiter (Papua New Guinea was visited late last year and Afghanistan is next on the list).

Haiti is a challenging place and more than four years after the devastating earthquake the nation remains mired in poverty. Small and positive changes are occurring but they’re barely helping the vast bulk of the population. Thor and I are aiming to show in our film how the aid and development model, used and abused in Haiti and beyond, so rarely benefits those long-term it claims to assist.

Here’s my Guardian investigation about the visit and my photos.

In other news:

Guardian column on journalism wishlist for 2014; be brave, courageous, upset power.

Comments in the media (Guardian and Australian) about the recent Wikileaks Party “solidarity mission” to Syria. My Guardian column explaining the fallacy of the trip.

– Guardian column
on need for UN to impose sanctions on Australia over its abuse of asylum seekers.

– Guardian column on the ethics of artistic and cultural events being sponsored by corporations with dubious human rights records.

– British magazine New Internationalist feature
on the global firms making money from immigration detention.

– Arena magazine reviews my 2013 book, Profits of Doom.

– Interview in the Sydney Morning Herald about being a pro-Palestinian Jew.

– Interview in Red Flag magazine about Profits of Doom.

– Australia’s leading literary blogger reviews Profits of Doom.

I wish you all a happy and successful 2014, however belated these wishes may be.

Until next time.


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