DOCS Rally & March in Brisbane

DOCS rally - BASE in BrisbaneDOCS Rally in Brisbane
10.30 am Roma Street Forum (under the big tree opposite Court Buildings)
Thursday 13 Feb 2014
March to DOCS*
11:30 am
111 George Street, CBD

In recent weeks people have come to tent embassy meetings in Musgrave Park speaking of DOCS taking their children away. This is a long running scandal that affects poor people from all cultures.

A delegation of aboriginal women from the Gold Coast came to Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy (BASE) meeting saying that the Minister Tracy Davis was unwilling to speak with them.

People who have issues with DOCS are welcome to attend the rally and share their concerns with others and to come with us to the Department of Community Services to voice their complaints.

Four people walked on the footpath to 111 Geroge Street Brisbane and we saw the Regional Director of Child Safety, Matthew Lupi, who took our complaint about why one grandmother had her grannies taken because of false and malicious rumours about her.

Organised by Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy
on 0407687016

*DOCS = Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (child safety, family support, youth services, seniors, domestic violence, disabilities)

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