SIEV-X Commemorative Exhibition



Presented by the refugee artists represented in the SIEV-X art exhibition at


The Studio, State Library of Qld,

Cultural Centre, south end of Victoria Bridge


When: 6.15 pm, Wednesday 19th October.

Where: The Studio, State Library of Qld.

Representatives of refugee communities will provide tributes, cultural performances and presentations. This event commemorates those who died and is a tribute to the courage, resilience and endurance of refugees who reached Australia by sea.

The exhibition of the refugee artists is adjacent to the exhibition of Kate Durham’s “SIEV-X…and some were saved” exhibition. The refugee artists whose work is on display are: Fourough Yavari, Farnaz Dadfar, Ferie Sadeghi, Juma Khan Jaferi, Mohammad Zaki, Razia Ghazal, Malia Mohomedi, Towfiq Al-Qady, Sha Hassani and Ghulam Sakhi Hazara.

The exhibition will be open every day at The Studio, State Library of Qld, until Sunday 23rd October.

Further info: Maree Klemm, 0419 655 383.

©2011 Refugee Action Collective, QLD | Brisbane, Queensland, Australia



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