Loewenstein Responds To News Ltd | newmatilda.com

Loewenstein Responds To News Ltd | newmatilda.com.

In response to this article by Antony Lowenstein


I think you should focus on what Boycott, Divestments, Sanctions of Israel (BDS) is rather than obsessing about the lies of Mass Murdoch.

Face up to it the (BDS) campaign is extreme. It calls for Israel to observe international law i.e. the apartheid wall. Israel does not observe international law so the BDS call for an end to the apartheid wall must be extreme.

The US government doesn’t support the UN charter of civil and political rights i.e. it has a long history of supporting dictators and forcing regime change when its interests are no longer served. So the BDS call for observance of the UN charter is extreme.

The Israeli government does not support the right of refugees to return home – so the BDS demand for right of return must be extreme.

Just lLook for yourselves, in 2005 Palestinian unions, NGOs, and civil society groups made the following extreme demands:

Palestinian-Israeli conflict
  1. An end to Israel’s “occupation and colonization of all Arab lands”, as well as “dismantling of the Apartheid Wall;”
  2. Israeli recognition of the “fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality;” and,
  3. Israeli respect, protection, and promotion of “the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194.”[1]

Ian Curr
April 2011

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