Energy Market Failure

The national electricity market is a failed 1990s experiment” – Professor John Quiggan, 22nd of June 2022.

Market failure in Energy industry
In his talk on the Energy Crisis and Market Failure renewables engineer, Trevor Berrill, tells why and how this self-inflicted failure of the market came about and suggests some solutions.… Go to Article

Vale Bernie Neville

He who lies here, it said, marched
Not to conquer a foreign land, but
His own.

– Bertolt Brecht, “The Tombstone of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolution

I am shocked to hear the news of the passing of Bernie Neville.… Go to Article

Report from the Big Ride for Palestine (Australia) 2022

The finale of the Big Ride for Palestine (Australia) occurred on Sunday the 28th of August in Brisbane. After having ridden and walked over 8,000 kilometres, 83 riders from around Australia have raised over $20,000 for the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation (PWHO) in Bourj el-Barajneh camp in Beirut.… Go to Article