Up the Right Channels?

Complicit – involved in or knowing about a crime or some activity that is wrong.

Even though there were three activities in support of Palestine at University of Queensland (UQ) yesterday they were overshadowed by the crowds, size and scope of ‘market day’ where clubs and societies vied for members in the Great Court and at the Student Union complex.… Go to Article

Brisbane renters protest rent hikes, profiteering landlords

Yesterday (Saturday the 22nd of April), members of the South East Queensland Union of Renters (SEQUR) organised a rally and march where speakers made demands of State and federal governments after an acknowledgement of country by Sam Woripa Watson.… Go to Article

Radical, reform or revolution?

Radical simply means grasping things at the root. ― Angela Davis

People who pronounce themselves in favor of the method of legislative reform in place of and in contradistinction to the conquest of political power and social revolution, do not really choose a more tranquil, calmer and slower road to the same goal, but a different goal.Go to Article

True believers

The price of wool was falling in 1891.
The men who owned the acres saw something must be done.
“We’ll break the shearers’ union and show we’re masters still,
And they’ll take the terms we give them or we’ll find the men who will!”
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Who stole the Bagel from the Palestinian table?

This is from one of my favourite podcasts, and one of the best interviewers, Terry Gross, ‘as little as life’ is the way she explains her 4’11” stature, interviews, Reem Kassis, the author of the Palestinian Table, a cookbook, and The Arabesque Table, listen and enjoy.… Go to Article

Vale Bernie Neville

He who lies here, it said, marched
Not to conquer a foreign land, but
His own.

– Bertolt Brecht, “The Tombstone of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolution

I am shocked to hear the news of the passing of Bernie Neville.… Go to Article

You say you want a revolution

alma mater (literal in latin = a kind and nourishing mother) a school, college, or university at which one has studied and, usually, from which one has graduated.… Go to Article