No union affiliation with ALP!

Union Members

I have just read the online petition about “Community and Public Sector Union Affiliation” at:

The petition says,

To:  Stephen Jones, National Secretary, CPSU

As members of the CPSU, we request that the National Secretary obtain the opinion of members by plebiscite on the following question:

“Do you support the CPSU having a policy of no formal affiliations with any political party?”… Go to Article

Pig City: ‘they shut it down, they pulled it down’?

How does the song go?

Watch the butcher shine his knives
And this town is full of battered wives
They shut it down
They pulled it down
They shut it down
They pulled it down

Round and round, up and down
Through the streets of your town
Everyday I make my way
Through the streets of your town

Brisbane rock band the Go-Betweens
commentary of Brisbane in the 1970s
.… Go to Article

Palm Petition

A Meeting was held on Friday 6 October 2006 AT THE JAGARA HALL MUSGRAVE PARK to organise the ongoing campaign for Justice for Aboriginees in Brisbane and Queensland

Murrinyi Doomadgee, 36, died in the Palm Island watchhouse on November 19, 2004, just hours after his arrest after he had said words critical of police (see sidebar for article: Black Deaths in custody — what has the Beattie Government ever done?

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Black Deaths in Custody — what have Australian governments ever done?

There’s a cold rain on the Autumn wind
A brother murdered in Sydney Town
Marrickville brother under supposed legal cover
In his home they gunned him down
We say oh oh oh oh oh ooooooh
Gunned him down
Sad river of tears
Two hundred years in the river of fear
Gunned him down
Kev Carmody

About 150 people rallied in Queens Park and then marched to parliament on 10th October 2006 tp present a petition of 1160 names to the Premier of Queensland, Peter Beattie.… Go to Article