Labor Foreign Policy – fear of United States?

In this podcast, Alternative News makes a strong case that ALP leadership fears US government intervention in local affairs. The program says that this underpins Labor’s foreign policy decisions. The program refers to the historical record of United States interference in Chile in 1973 resulting in a military coup. It also refers to former Prime Minister Whitlam’s own account in Hansard (1977) of how the United States helped bring about the dismissal of his Labor government. The podcast says that Australia has lost its independence on foreign policy. We include an article by Bevan Ramsden explaining the ALP’s policy dilemma. – Ian Curr, 13 July 2023.


Below is a radio program from Alternative News by Bevan Ramsden and Andrew Fullarton. Thanks to them both.:

“There’s much more to be said on this issue, but that’s all we have time for now. As always, we welcome listeners comments and suggestions, which can be emailed to that is Good morning and thanks for listening.” – Bevan and Andrew.

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