From Australia to Cuba with Love: Day 28

Four weeks into the campaign and we’re going strong! Tonight we’ve completed 8316 km, leaving 6570 km to go. It’s looking entirely feasible, so again congratulations to all our participants for your formidable efforts.

Thanks also to our donors who are generously supporting our fundraising drive for medical equipment for Cuba. It is greatly appreciated and will be gratefully accepted by our recipients in Cuba.

Today’s efforts took Ian (from the Araucarian team) and me to the Boondall Wetlands and to Nudgee Beach, where we had a great view over the Glasshouse Mountains.

On the way we talked about the forthcoming tour by our invited Cuban guests; Ivan Ernesto Barreto Lopez from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People (ICAP) and Marianniz Díaz from the Cuban Centre for Molecular Immunology and was involved in the development of Coronavirus vaccines. We’re looking forward to meeting them both and hearing them speak at a public meetings. The meeting in Brisbane will be on July 26th.

Stay posted for details!

Lachlan Hurse
30 June 2023




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