Life inside Palestinian refugee camps

The Big Ride For Palestine: Day 1. Brisbane riders defy the weather in support of the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation. Thanks to all who made it possible. Another fortnight to go! Why not join us?


Report by Olfat Mahmound about situation in refugee camps in Lebanon

Fri, 8/12 11:07PM • 7:20

Hello, everybody. Hello wonderful people, sisters and brothers. I spoke to most of you last year, during the big ride for Palestine, Australia, telling you about our miserable living conditions.

Again, this year, I’m talking to you, and nothing has changed, unfortunately.

And I’m sure most of you are aware of the Lebanon crisis and very bad situation that people are facing at all levels. And as Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, we are facing multiple crises as well, being refugees and being in Lebanon. And the problem now clear, and we don’t know what will happen to all these crisis, unfortunately.

People in refugee camps are struggling to survive. Still, they have no right to work. And, of course, this is very basic if you don’t work, how you will have secured income. And Lebanon nowadays, the living cost inflation increase this year, by 211%. Can you imagine how refugees will survive?

If we talk about health level COVID-19 virus is increasing again. And unfortunately, medication nowadays in Lebanon is very expensive. And most of chronic illness, drugs are unavailable. Doctors fees are affordable. So how people can be treated, most people ignored their illnesses and they got they don’t get any medication.

At social life level, domestic violence is increasing due to their bad economic situation. Also, divorce is increasing nearly no social life. Why? Because actually, you know, when you visit people, you have to take with you something people have to offer you something. So most people are not visiting each other and no social life.

People committing suicide is very common nowadays.

If we want to talk about political level, it’s very vague, and people talking a lot about or they are expecting, if you like, they are expecting war. And there are many internal political conflicts.

At educational level, it’s very the educational level, it’s deteriorating. First of all, due to COVID-19. We have blending, learning and of course, one week, students go to school, one week online, and

Wi Fi in Lebanon. I don’t need to tell you about it. It’s very weak.

Electricity, we hardly see electricity. Most people are depending on generator electricity, which is very, very, very expensive. So how, how children can learn online, it’s very difficult.

And universities the same situation. Even universities nowadays is very expensive. So most students, they can’t afford joining universities.

Next month, September is one in lebanon when schools and universities start and we will of course, we will hear a big scream from people how they can afford? Unfortunately, the view is very black, not even a gray.

Life is very difficult in Lebanon, very difficult. People, many people they live in complete darkness. Due to lack of electricity. We hardly see electricity. And of course this will affect our work. as well.

So the situation unfortunately, it’s very difficult. Always, always I dream that one day will come when I speak to you to tell you nice stories to tell you happy events.

But unfortunately, I don’t know when this day will come.

Despite everything. Let me just give you some good news. You have support last year to the Palestinian actually made some of the young people, dreams come out.

We started the sport program.

Because children they don’t … specially … before it was very difficult. And when we have online learning became impossible. Children they don’t have sport. And inside the camps, the camps are very small, crowded with people. There are not enough space for children to run or play or so we started a program, sports program ,where 100 children enrolled mainly for Arabic and to play soccer.

They are very happy with this activity.

They are now training and that training. And after one year, we will form a team that represent young people in Bourj el Baragneh and Shatilla camp.

We added psychosocial support program two days a week, because we notice children and young people are under severe stress. So we have psychologist who support them and work with them two days a week. They are very happy with this program. And without your support, we couldn’t start this program. So thank you very much. We highly appreciate your support. And within this very black view, you made a window of hope. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.

Olfat Mahmoud,
12 August 2022.


lebanon, people, universities, nowadays, camps, electricity, increasing, due, refugees, children, talk, crisis, expensive, year, difficult, support, refugee camps, program, survive, happy

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