Defend the blockade of Port Botany

HAPPENING NOW: BLOCKADE OF PORT BOTANY: this continent’s largest container port.

“On Monday, one of the protesters at Port Botany, Max Curmi, was sentenced to four months in prison for his action dramatically climbing a 60 metre crane at the port. Max is the third climate activist to be given a prison sentence in the last few months – late last year Sergeio Herbert was sentenced to one year but is currently out on bail with an appeal pending, while Juliet Lamont was given a one month suspended sentence. The threat of prison is something activists must take into account when doing these kinds of actions, especially if they are going to do it repeatedly like those three. But these sentences are often political as well – politicians passing new laws specifically to target protesters when what they do is already illegal is a sign the government wants to influence the court sentencing despite the basic democratic principle of a separation of powers.” – Andy Paine at Defending the right to disobey


Five 5 Days of action blockading the Port of Botany (22-26 March).

DAY 5 ACTION 9: Wenzel abseiled off the Botany Road bridge disrupting the rail and one of the busiest roads to the port. “We need radical change to survive.” (Wenzel)

DAY 4 ACTION 8: Max climbed a shipping crane and was suspended 60m above the port shutting down operations for more than 4 hours.

“It is the fundamental prioritisation of the private right to exploit over the communal right to exist on a living planet that we challenging…” (Max)

DAY 4 ACTION 7: Sharon got on top of a train, stopping all freight trains moving in and out of the port. “Net zero by 2050 is a bloody death sentence…” (Sharon)

DAY 4 ACTION 6: Emma was suspended from a 9m high bipod structure and locked-on above a rail bridge over the river blocking all freight trains from moving in and out of the port for hours. “…collectively we have a lot of power if we are willing to put some effort in and use our bodies and our time.” (Emma)

DAY 3 ACTION 5: Alex was suspended from a 9m high monopole blocking all cargo trains running to and from the port for hours. “…for the love of the planet.” (Alex)

DAY 2 ACTION 4: Dom stood on a truck and Helen locked-on to the inside of another truck blockading Penrhyn Road the only access road to the port’s largest terminal. ”…our planet is dying and we humans are the ones who are killing it and we have to stop.” (Helen)

DAY 2 ACTION 3: Arno was suspended about 7m over the river from a steel bipod attached to a bridge blocking Sirius Road leading into the port. “…it’s time to stand in solidarity with those who already suffer the most — all climate refugees around the world…” (Arno)

DAY 1 ACTION 2: Tom was suspended from a 9m high monopole blocking Friendship Road, one of the main roads in and out of the port. “We live under this false illusion that we can just vote in a new government and that the government is going to take care of the climate crisis, but that is never going to happen.” (Tom)

DAY 1 ACTION 1: Henry was suspended from a 7m bamboo and rope tensegrity tower blocking Simblist Road a major entrance to the port. “This system is stacked against you.”(Henry’s banner)

Check out the livestreams of these brave actions here: Please share.

BLOCKADE SYDNEY JUNE 27th to resist climate inaction by taking strategic direct action in the heart of Australia.

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