Palestinians are NOT terrorist, Israel IS guilty of war crimes

Open letter to minister on Israeli designation of six Palestinian organizations as “terrorist groups”

To: Hon Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Dear Minister,

Workers BushTelegraph condemns Israel’s designation of six prominent Palestinian Rights Organizations as “Terrorist Groups” with the intention to criminalize those exposing human rights violations stemming from the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

While the Australian government fails to hold Israel accountable, Israel continues to take bolder steps towards completely silencing Palestinian resistance.

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The six organizations targeted were involved in direct support, community development, and exposing human rights abuses.

They are:

Defence for Children International-Palestine
The Bisan Center for Research and Development
Union of Agricultural Work Committees
Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees

Consequently, Israel’s Ministry of Defence regards all organizational activities as illegal, permitting Israeli forces to close offices, seize assets and sensitive human rights files, stop funding sources, and imprison staff members, advisors and supporters.

This move to criminalize organizational reporting and public denouncement of human rights abuses by labelling the organizations “terrorists” is an affront to human rights work worldwide. The scope of this action and the precedent it sets without receiving diplomatic pushback causes deep concern throughout the global human rights community.

WBT joins in this global concern and calls on the Australian government to immediately remove the umbrella of impunity under which the Israeli occupation has flourished. WBT stands in solidarity with Palestinian human rights organizations and those demanding an immediate end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

WBT calls for immediate sanctions against all Israeli goods and services to the Australian government including all military hardware and software.

Ian Curr
mob: 0407687016
4 November 2021

Categories Palestine

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