Trev’s Brisbane Forecast from 10 -18 Aug ’21

Trev’s Brisbane Forecast for next 7 Days from 10 Aug

Global Warming
Australia has warmed by about 1.4 degrees Celsius on average, about 0.3 of a degree higher than the global average temperature rise due primarily to our unsustainable use of fossil fuels. This is reflected in our monthly average temperatures as August this year so far looking more like September was based on Bureau of Meteorology up to the late 1970s (Source: Szokolay, S.V., 1982 – Climatic Data and Its use in design). Buildings use a lot of energy and create about 25 percent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions and architects have often failed to help address this with more energy efficient and solar passive design.  Planners and developers are also to blame.

Critique of School of Architecture, University of Queensland
I worked for Dr Szokolay at the University of Queensland as a technical officer during the 1970s and helped put together this data handbook for architects. Dr Szokolay ran the Architectural Science Unit at the School of Architecture and I helped build a controlled environment room for testing human tolerance of different combinations of temperature, humidity, air movement and radiate heat. As well, we built a low speed wind tunnel for testing building ventilation design, an artificial sky for solar gain and shading control research, and tested solar water heating collectors. The problem was that few architectural students were interested in the science of environmentally sustainable, energy efficient building design as most were interested in the art of design.  As most of subjects Dr Szokolay taught were electives, the majority of students avoided these and graduated without a sound, science based understanding of what makes a low energy, sustainable building.

This coming week the weather pattern has shifted from the last few weeks as light northerly winds are predicted to predominate for all days.  There are no strong, cold westerlies predicted; something we always expected at EKKA time in the past! Northerly winds bring warmer air from the north and hence temperatures will be warmer, with minimums around 12 to 14 degrees Celsius and maximums around 23 to 25 degrees Celsius.  There is a low probability of a shower most days, being higher on the weekend as a trough line approaches from the west.

See ya next week. Trev the Weatherman

Featured Image: School of Architecture, University of Queensland

Source: Bureau of Meteorology and

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