Trev’s Brisbane Forecast from 24 August ’21

Last week I showed a photo our solar PV system, the first REGISTERED, grid connected system in Queensland. There were about 6 of us who all installed our grid connected systems in July of 2000, when laws and regulations allowed us to do this. Most owners were colleagues or students of mine, including Ray and Wendy Miller, Dave Keenan and others. I just happened to get the Government paper work for approval in first, hence the “first registered” claim. All our systems had to be registered as power stations on the National Electricity Market and report our generation of energy each year.

But my system was not the first grid connect solar PV system in Queensland. This honour goes to Peter Fries, a friend and former colleague, who ran a consultancy with me throughout the 1980’s, called Renewable Energy Services. Peter approached Energex in 1994, and coordinated the Solar One Project, the FIRST rooftop solar PV system connected to a state power grid. It was installed on Peter’s beautifully designed, energy efficient home at Coolum.

You can watch his TED presentation here called “First one out of the fox hole gets shot” 

As the title suggests, it wasn’t an easy process!

Solar One – First grid-connected, solar PV system, Coolum, Queensland

Trev’s Brisbane Forecast for next 7 Days from 24 Aug
Well today we finally got another strong, cold EKKA westerly as predicted, as a cold front passed over us from west to east bringing some much needed rain. So temperatures will return to more like longer term August averages, ranging from minimums of around 7 to 9 degrees Celsius and maximums around 22, but warming up 27 degrees Celsius late in the week.  There is a low probability of a shower later in the week as another front approaches. There are lots of good days to get out and about. So enjoy the great weather.

See ya next week.
Trev the Weatherman

Source: Bureau of Meteorology and

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