Chernobyl – 35 years on

Just Peace and Friends of the Earth are collaborating to commemorate the 35thanniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown.

The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster is a reminder that Australia’s Federal Legislation 1999 that bans nuclear reactors and nuclear energy is under threat. Recently Australia has been urged by the nuclear lobby to “make a nuclear leap” to purchase small modular nuclear reactors from the U.S. arguing that only nuclear energy can provide adequate energy. President Biden has included nuclear power in his national energy plan.

We know that SMRs are not viable, safe, available or economic. Renewable energy is the answer. Prohibition of uranium mining is needed to be added to the  Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 which the nuclear lobby wants watering down to permit nuclear reactors.

PLEASE JOIN US ON MONDAY 26th April, 4 p.m.

35th anniversary of the CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR DISASTER

Brisbane Square, Reddacliff Place, 266 George Street Brisbane