Trev, the weatherman, reporting …

Trev, the weather man reporting – I said Monday 12th is looking more likely to be wet again, but I was wrong. Monday is looking great now. It shows fine weather by mid to late week, but winds turning to the South East by next Sunday, which is tends to bring our rain this time of year.

It’s harder to predict weather over the next week, and global warming is making this more so. 7 day forecast is always less accurate than 4 day forecast.

Planning 7 days in advance is often difficult with weather particularly at this time of year when the atmosphere is hotter, wetter and more unstable.  The weather pattern is often cyclical with the passage of High Pressure systems across the south of the Australian continent. Typically this takes about 4 to 5 days. This mostly brings us a few finer days and a few potentially cloudier or wet days each week. Sometimes the Highs move faster and sometimes they move very slow (called a blocking High).

It shows fine weather by mid to late week, but winds turning to the SE by next Sunday, which is tends to bring our rain this time of year. 7 day forecast is always less accurate than 4 day forecast. 

My suggestion is you aim for Thu of this week for trip … why not to Queens Mary Falls up above the Heads near Kilarney?

Your weatherman, Trev, signing off.

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Trevor Berrill

Sustainable Energy Systems Consultant & Educator

Phone 61 7 3207 5077 or 

Mobile 0400 177 283