Open Letter to the Attorney-General

To Yvette D’Ath
Attorney General of Queensland

Dear Ms,

This is a call for a public inquiry into the Public Trustee of Queensland.

A source claims that you have suspended the Public Trustee Peter Carne for having an extra-marital affair at work.

If true, it is a strange world where the Attorney General can allow the public trustee to mismanage $$millions of ordinary people’s assets but then ask him to show cause why he should not be dismissed for having sex with a workmate?!

Meanwhile the Office of Public Advocate is conducting an audit of fees charged by the Public Trustee’s office.

If true, I do not think you should have asked Peter Carne to show cause for ‘serious misconduct’ on the basis that he had sex with a workmate unless he gained some advantage from it in the workplace or in his job. Equally, if true, the person he had sex with should not have to leave his or her job or be forced to resign unless he or she gained an advantage or their in favouritism from the public trustee.

No, as far as I am concerned, the public trustee and his office is guilty of real crime by misusing his position to spend monies of vulnerable people to obtain ‘meticulous and sage’ advice from Mr DB Fraser QC that claimed Mr Taylor did not have just cause in recovering his home from Suliman Sabdia who de-frauded him by getting a vulnerable person to sign his home over to the Sabdia family trust. This was canvassed in the judgment of Mr Justice Glenn Martin in 2012 mentioned previously, a case where his honour curiously sealed the record from the public. In the court record is the opinion by Mr O’Regan of Counsel that says that same vulnerable old man had every possibility of recovering his family home from the accountant Suliman Sabdia.

Firstly, it was this action by the public trustee and his office that assisted the Public Guardian in depriving that same man of his liberty when Centacare abducted that vulnerable person from his family

Here is the podcast of the Paradigm Shift 4ZZZ fm 102.1 titled ‘You Can Not Trust the Public Trustee’ broadcast on Friday 21 June 2019.

In our conversation on Friday I mentioned two videos of interactions with the Public Trustee and his officers. Here are the links to those videos …


As mentioned in the program some of these matters were canvassed before Mr Justice Glenn Martin in Queensland v Sabdia & Ors[2012] QSC 358  in the Supreme Court of Qld.

His honour ordered that documents filed by the Public Trustee be sealed. I have viewed said documents. I think it important that those documents be unsealed and scrutinised closely by an auditor (appointed by yourself).

Several groups have shown interest in the program and request for more information from your officer, David Honeyman. I hope that we may engage with your office sharing information as far as circumstances permit. This will be need to be a two-way process if progress is to be made. I will be interested in seeing an audit report when it is finished.

I hope to advise you of a list of participants, we are happy to meet with you to discuss the way forward.

Yours sincerely
Ian Curr
1 July 2019

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