Climate ‘Change is Gonna Come’

It’s been too hard living, but I’m afraid to die
‘Cause I don’t know what’s up there, beyond the sky
It’s been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

– Sam Cooke

Just over a week ago 2000 people took to the streets of downtown Brisbane to protest against the lack of serious action in regards to the climate emergency that is confronting Queensland, Australia and the planet.

Although the Queensland government is committed to a domestic transition to renewable energy provision, it is also committed to the opening up of new thermal coalmines in the state of which the approval of the Adani mega-mine is but one example.  This policy is both contradictory and hugely dangerous.

As I write this, temperature records are being broken right across Europe, just as they have been in Australia over the last several years.  Last week’s rally had the support of a wide-cross section of Queensland climate action groups, university students, school strikers and the labour movement.

It is important that all concerned citizens register their disagreement with current government policy.  We want to turn last week’s rally of 2000 into next week’s rally of 4000.  

Events will kick off on Friday 5 July @ 5:00 pm at Brisbane Square. Please consider attending with family and friends.

Bob Russell

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