Reluctant Saviour

Please watch our latest 10 min. “sizzle reel” for RELUCTANT SAVIOUR.

PW = reluctant 

With June 30th  not far away, you can still make a tax-deductible donation to the film here:

All donations will go to support our next shoot in Dili around the August 30th, the 20th anniversary of the vote for independence. 

The trial of Witness K and Bernard Collaery seems set to continue with the next hearing in August. More than likely it will be held in secret. The abuse of these men reflects a pattern of abuse and cover-up stretching back to the beginning of the whole Timor story. Our film will explore how the East Timor story has, to some extent, made modern Australia with its secrecy and police state leanings and in particular, the war on journalism and whistle blowers. 

We are also looking for help in other ways too: if you have footage, still photographs, radio clips, diary extracts etc…from your experience with this story, we’d love to see them!

Please share the Vimeo file above via email, Face Book or your favourite social media.

Thanks and best wishes,

Gil Scrine.


Gil Scrine, Writer/Director.

PH: 0418 596 482

Reluctant Saviour

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