Report from Chile: ‘Mapuches and spaniards formed the Chilean People’

Mapuche (Hombres de la tierra) – Traiguen – Chile V. Villarrica 2.840 m/s/n/m – Araucaria “Etnia originaria del sur de Chile que junto a la espanola dieron origen al pueblo chileno” which means: “Mapuches and spaniards formed the Chilean People.”

Comrade Marcial sends greetings from Chile.

He reports that ‘the political situation is bad for the workers’.

The “Socialists” and Christian Democratic coalition government continue to apply the Pinochet economic model. Workers feed the system.

Banks and commercial and mining companies are making record profits.

“Left leadership is weak” says Marcial.

“The young people live in another world: music, religion, and drugs are their main interests.”

“Mapuche people continue their struggle for Land Rights.”

Solidarity with the Chilean resistance.

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