World Refugee Day rally

Dear refugee supporter,

Please remember the World Refugee Day Rally being organized by several organisations. It will be at King George Square, Brisbane on Saturday 20th June, at 11am. For some years it has been the largest refugee rights protest event of the year. The situation of asylum seekers fleeing by boat is worse than ever, and it is important to try for a big event. Help spread the word if you can.

The theme of the rally is: “World Refugee Day. Let them land, let them stay. Close Manus Island, close Nauru.”

Endorsed by:
Australian Tamil Congress
Burmese Rohingya Association in Qld-Aust (BRAQA)
Indooroopilly Welcome Hub
Labor for Refugees
Queensland Greens
Queensland Rohingya Community (QRC)
Redlands for Refugees
Refugee Action Collective Queensland
St Mary’s in Exile
Amnesty International

Speakers will include George Goring, former electrician at Nauru turned whistleblower; a speaker from the Rohingyan community; Benedict Coyne of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights; and Senator Larissa Waters from The Greens.

There is a downloadable flier at the RAC website:!World-Refugee-Day-Rally-and-March/c1ktl/556c3b5e0cf23d0164d2839f
If this doesn’t work for you, try the RAC Facebook page (Refugee Action Collective Queensland).

Please help spread the word, bring along your members and supporters, and also your banner or even a stall.

Hoping to see you there,
Paul McKinnon
Refugee Action Collective
Ph. 3392 3843

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