Non-RAC events of interest to refugee supporters


Non-RAC events of interest to refugee supporters

Campaign meeting of Brisbane Rohingyans & their supporters.

The Queensland Rohingya community in Brisbane would like to thank you for attending the information session we had organised on the 1st of Oct 2012. We are very grateful for your support and your understanding on this issue.

Ethnic cleansing and racial violence needs to be condemned wherever and whenever this happens. There is a lot that we can do to promote awareness on this blatant violation of human rights.

We would like to welcome you to a brainstorming session on the 7th of Nov at MDA, 28 Dibely St, Woolloongabba at 6pm.

We would like to put forward a few ideas, and we would love to listen to your ideas and see how we can work together to create more awareness. While it seems that we cannot achieve much individually, we can achieve wonders if we work collectively. So please stop by and give us your suggestions, ideas, experiences – and let’s fight this problem together.

Sujauddin Karimuddin
ASAS Client Liaison Officer

Creative Conversations: an art exhibition of the work of 18 refugee artists.

Presented by Cindy Beumer and Towfiq Al-Qady.

The opening was on Sat, 3rd November. Apologies for the lateness of this announcement. But the exhibition will be open 10am -5pm, 3rd – 11th November at Studio Gallery, level 1, State Library of Queensland, and will be well worth viewing.

Our program, Creative Conversations, provides a group of 18 artists with practical support to further their creative aspirations. Long term outcomes of this exhibition are the use of the arts to facilitate a more inclusive Australia and to provide opportunities for refugees with artistic talents.

Further info: creativeconversations , ph.0488 671 525.

©2012 Refugee Action Collective, QLD | Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


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