Refugee Action Collective events & organising meeting

Several upcoming events of interest to refugee supporters
Community BBQ
Sunday 28th October, 10am
Rocks Riverside Park, Seventeen Mile Rocks.
Public transport: 468 bus from Oxley Station.

Join us for a day filled with food and fun. There will be games for the young ones and soccer for everyone, so bring yourself, your family and friends and a plate of food to share. BBQ meat and drinks will be provided. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
Organised by Social Entrepreneurship Refugees Project with support from the Australian Tamil Congress.

RAC is aware of newly arrived Tamil refugees and asylum seekers in Brisbane who would like to attend this event but need lifts. Anyone who can help ring Mark, 3891 5385.

BRASS (Brisbane Refugee & Asylum Seeker Support Network) meeting.
Friday, 26th October, 10am.
Justice Place, 5 Abingdon St, Woolloongabba.
Information sharing between refugee service providers and campaign groups.
Hosted by Catholic Justice & Peace Commission. Further info: Peter Arndt, 3336 9173 or 0409 265 476.

Rally against Pacific Solution 2.0.
Saturday, 17th October, 1pm.
King George Square, City.
Presented by Refugee Action Collective. Further info: Paul, 3392 3843, .
A fuller version of this announcement to be circulated shortly.

Organising meeting

We need concerned people to get involved in the refugee rights campaign more than ever. If you care, come along to the organising meeting.

Our next organising meeting is next Wednesday.

When: 6.30pm, Wednesday, 24th October. Where: Window Bay 10, The Edge, Cultural Centre, South Brisbane.

Our usual venues, the TLC Building and State Library are booked out. The Edge is the long narrow building parallel to the river bank in between the Qld Art Gallery and the Qld State Library.

Meeting agenda: The meeting will be mainly concerned with planning upcoming campaign events.

Getting there: Parking on site. Close to Cultural Centre bus station, South Brisbane railway station, South Bank City Cat.

All are welcome, including new people.

Further info: Paul. Ph. 3392 3843, paul.


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