Amnesty International Refugee Forum Saturday 28 August 2010

Thinking again about asylum seekers in Australia: a discussion

Do you have questions about asylum seekers?

The treatment of asylum seekers in Australia is a hot topic at present.

Many Australians are concerned about asylum seekers who arrive by boat. Come to the forum and have your questions answered by a diverse panel, including:

• Sonia Caton, member of the Refugee Council of Australia and human rights lawyer.

• Pamela Curr, Campaign Coordinator, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Melbourne

• Hassan Ghoulam, Afghan Community Worker, Romero Centre.

Branch President, David Forde, Amnesty International Queensland and Northern New South Wales will chair the event.

Join us to discuss the latest issues and perspectives surrounding refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.

When: Saturday 28 August 10am – 12pm

Where: Wesley Building, 140 Ann Street, Brisbane

This event is free and open the public. Refreshments will be provided.

For more details visit:


One thought on “Amnesty International Refugee Forum Saturday 28 August 2010

  1. Ron Munro says:

    I hate with a passion these boat refugees and their evil muslim relegion they bring to our Great country Australia. We will be sorry for this in the very near future.

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