Fixing the Housing Crisis

The next meeting of the 17 Group will occur on Wednesday the 3rd of April at 7 pm in the Lavalla Centre, 58 Fernberg Rd, that is, at the corner of Fernberg Rd and Given Terrace, Paddington.  The speaker at this meeting will be the Federal MP for Griffith, member of the House of Representatives in the current Parliament, Max Chandler-Mather.  Max is the Greens spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness.  Max has addressed previous 17 Group meetings to general acclaim by young and old. 

Leon, adept of the mixed metaphor, says that if you consume the hors d’oeuvre of this Goliath-quelling video, you, like him, will surely want to be at the main meal on Wednesday the 3rd of April:

Here is the title of Max’s talk: “Fixing the Housing Crisis”.

Brief summary:

Australia is in the midst of the worst housing crisis we’ve seen in decades. Years of prioritizing profits for banks and private developers has left thousands on the public housing waiting list and is denying millions of renters and first home buyers the opportunity of owning their own home. It’s time for government to take real action to ensure quality affordable housing is accessible to all.

Brief biographical notes:
Max is the Federal MP for Griffith, and the Greens spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness.
A renter his entire adult life, Max currently rents in Greenslopes. Before being the MP for Griffith, he worked for the National Tertiary Education Union helping casual and contract research and admin workers to better organise and improve their rights. He’s worked as a call centre worker, after school care worker and has a degree in History from the University of Queensland.
Most recently, as the Greens spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness, Max has launched a National Housing Campaign to pressure the Labor government to directly invest in public and genuinely affordable housing and coordinate a national plan to freeze rent increases in the midst of the worst housing crisis Australia has seen for generations.

Leon says you should look at this too, if you want the right ideological slant on the question, especially the last frame of it:

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