Vale Ray Jackson

For the past five years readers of WBT would have seen regular contributions from ray jackson, wiradjuri warrior and president of indigenous social justice association.

Sadly these strong messages for social justice will come no more.

Ray’s intelligent analysis of struggles in this country will be sorely missed on these pages.

Ray was a life long activist for justice for families who have lost loved ones to deaths in custody and he campaigned to prevent further murder of blackfellas in custody.

I met Ray Jackson only a couple of times, once in Tamworth at a rally and march to bring back aboriginal children stolen by DOCS and at a national forum of the Sovereign Grannies held in Musgrave Park in Brisbane in 2014. Ray was sending out messages

I wish to pay my respects and send condolences to Ray’s family, he was a comrade who marched the same path.

as ray would say (and always in lower case 😉 … we live and work on the stolen lands of the aboriginal people.
sovereignty   peace   justice.

Links to some of Ray’s articles are listed below.

Ian Curr
May, 2015

Articles by Ray Jackson
T J Hickey: Commissioner of Police v Ray Jackson – 2015/02/10
I’m asking you to stand with me.
Low cost housing v. Mundine mansions2015/03/09
More deaths in custody — man who begged for help dies – A


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