History repeats: Ethnic cleansing in ACT 1954 and now in WA removal from homelands.

Subject: [SU] History repeats: Ethnic cleansing in ACT 1954 and now in WA removal from homelands.

find attached another missive from ghillar michael anderson on removing aborigines from their homeland areas.

i have nothing to say on this matter other than my personal view that i disagree strongly with the wa and sa governments on the shutting down of these homelands in their respective states. people remain in these remote areas for several reasons. firstly, it is their birth country and they have duties to uphold within it. country also, as we know, needs constant caring. you cannot make the traditional lands fallow as they need our constant care.

the second reason is to escape the twin evils of white civilisation, grog and drugs, and the concomitant horrors of domestic violence and other crimes. but this means nothing to the land-hungry governments drooling lustfully over our resources to hand to the mining industry. they still have the need, as they have since the invasion 227 years next month, to clear the lands of those who do not wish to exploit the bones of their ancestors.

this push against government removal of those living on and in these remote areas was very strongly put by those attending the aboriginal summit aka the freedom summit and it was easily recognised that stopping these removals was to be a matter of priority but it was left to the summit delegation of (now) 20 when and how to do it.

i truly hope that this thread from michael is but the first step now to moving forward in protecting our nations and our peoples rights to remain living there.


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

prix des droits de l’homme de la republique fraincaise 2013
(french human rights medal 2013)

1303/200 pitt street, waterloo. 2017
61 2 9318 0947
0450 651 063

we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people


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