Monthly newsletter on Palestine, Wikileaks and Neo-Nazis

Antony Loewenstein



Friday 25, July 2014

Greece, guts and Gaza

Dear all,

With Gaza burning under Israeli bombardment, Syria burning under Saudi backed thugs and Iraq and Afghanistan burning under extremist forces, it’s hard to find stories of positivity in the news at the moment. But resistance lives, we just have to look harder to find it.

I’ve just returned from an investigative trip for a new book that will be published by US and UK based Verso Books in 2015 on Disaster Capitalism. Expect fireworks.

In news:

My Guardian series on Greece – part 1 on immigration detention and the far-right, neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party (my story was reported in the Greek press) and part 2 on resistance to austerity (also reported in the Greek media)

My Guardian investigation into the privatised, immigration system in Britain.

– During my recent time in Greece, I had an Athens event with writer Christos Tsiolkas on nationhood and identity.

Greece photos and Britain photos.

Guardian column on Western complicity in Sri Lankan brutality.

Guardian column on hearing Iraqi voices.

– With Israel bombarding Gaza, I’m reminded of my visit there in 2009, six months after another Israeli invasion. I made a short film then of my experience.

Guardian column on NSA mass surveillance including interviews with key whistle-blowers in London.

Global statement of Jews calling for an end to the massacre in Gaza and cutting of aid to Israel.

– My 2013 best-selling book, Profits of Doom, is released in an updated edition in August.

ABC TV’s Big Ideas on freedom of the press.

I’ve endorsed a remarkable new British report, Britain’s dirty war against the Tamil people 1979-2009, by UK journalist and researcher Phil Miller.

I launched a wonderful new book by the talented Australian writer Omar Musa, Here Come the Dogs, endorsed by Irvine Welsh and Christos Tsiolkas.

– In 2013 I co-edited a book with Palestinian Ahmed Moor called After Zionism on the justice and necessity of the one-state solution in Palestine and Israel. It seems Palestinians in Palestine are increasingly sharing this view.

– In 2011 I contributed to a collection of essays, On Utoya, analysing the murderous rampage of Norwegian killer Anders Breivik. My essay discussed the growing connections between the far-right and Israel. The work is now available free online.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,


Antony Loewenstein
Independent Freelance Journalist and Author Sydney, Australia!/antloewenstein

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